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A government ruled by a small group of people is an oligarchy.

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Q: What is the name for a government ruled by a small group of people?
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A government ruled by a small group of people is an oligarchy.

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An oligarchic government is characterized by?

When a place (ex: country, organization, or institution) is ruled by a group of people.

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What characteristics have to be present for a government to be an oligarchy?

rule by a small group of people

What is the form of government that is ruled by few?

An oligarchy is a government ruled by a small number of people. It comes from the Greek words oligos ("few") and arkho ("rule").

Who runs the government in oligarchy?

a small group of people

What is a government where a small group of people have control?


What is ruled by a small group?

small kingdoms

Which of the 3 forms of governments is ruled by a small group of people who claim they know what is best for all people and has a small legislature that is ruled by only one political party?

dictatorial,mornachial& aristocratic governments

What are limited governments and unlimited governments?

Limited government is when the people have some sort of say in the laws created. A limited government is controlled by many people. The U.S. government has a limited government. An UNlimited government is a government ruled by one person or a small group. Often times these rulers are unfair and create unfair laws. The people don't have a say in anything.

A government controlled by a small group of people is called a?
