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Q: What is the name for a group of workers in the same trade who form an organization to fix prices and protect each other?
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What was the organization of workers called that was formed during the 1860?

The International Workers Association is an organization of workers formed in 1922. The group had its roots in the 1860's organization of workers called International Working Men's Association.

Why interest group in not served by a professional organization?

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When was Moral Welfare Workers' Association created?

I couldn't find information about a specific organization called the "Moral Welfare Workers' Association." It is possible that this organization may not exist or could be a lesser-known or localized group.

What is the name of the UN workers' rights group?

Workers rights group are a group of labor rights and claimed human rights having to do with labor relations between workers and their employers, usually obtained under labor and employment law. Mainly they are taking great care for negotiating workers pay.

Which group did the Western nations organize as a military alliance to protect their beliefs?

NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)

What is a group of workers join to protect and promote their interests?

That'd be a unionunion or brotherhoodA unionunionA labour unionunionA labour unionUnion

What organization would most likely be classified as a regional intergovernmental organization?

A group of countries that agree on prices for all goods exported from Europe. APEX

What did workers form labor unions?

it was to protect the rights of the workers in factories so they have the right to protest, get compensated if they get injured working, etc. To speak with one voice.

Why is a trade union recognized as a formal group?

A trade union a formal group since it is recognized by the government and they have set laws and regulations. A trade union fights for the rights of workers.

What did workers of same skill form to fight for their employment?

They formed a union, which is a formal group organized to protect workers' rights and to help ensure fair and equitable treatment for all employees.

Although the group known as Solidarity eventually obtained wide public support and political power it began as simply an organization of?

Shipyard workers.

What is the collective noun for employees?

The collective noun is a staff of employees.