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Q: What is the name for an indirect war?
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What was the indirect cause of World War 2?

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Why did scientist have to rely on indirect evidence to discover how atoms are put together?

They have to rely on indirect substances because of Ernust Rutherford's experiment. He was a british when he was about 28 years old. He almost died in World War 2. His really name was Sgt. Ernust Jefferey. But when he became old, he changed his name and became a scientsist.

Why must indirect evidence by used to study the structure of atoms?

They have to rely on indirect substances because of Ernust Rutherford's experiment. He was a british when he was about 28 years old. He almost died in world war 2. His really name was Sgt. Ernust Jefferey. But when he became old, he changed his name and became a scientsist.

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Cost of World War 1?

The total direct and indirect cost of World War I was 337 billion dollars. It proved to be the costliest war to date at the time.

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What are the direct and indirect effects the American Revolution had on the French Revolution?

The direct effect was that France was washed away and the indirect effect was that England had a war with France an as a result,France was washed away.

What term refers to the indirect but hostile conflict between the US and the Soviet Union that began at the end of World War 2?

The cold war.

What are the differences between direct and indirect student loans?

The difference between direct and indirect student loans are direct loans come to you in your name to deposit and use for school. Indirect loans go stright to the school and are used just for tuition.

What ia another name for indirect democracy where citizens elect representatives who decide policies on their behalf?

Representative democracy is another name for indirect democracy, where citizens elect representatives to make decisions and policies on their behalf.