

What is the name for fear of gay?

Updated: 1/27/2021
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6y ago

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Homophobia is the term used to describe the fear or contempt of homosexuals. Lesbians are included in that group.

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Q: What is the name for fear of gay?
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What phobia is the fear of homosexuality?

Homophobia is the name of the phobia relating to the fear of homosexuality or becoming gay; however, the term is used more often to refer to bigotry against gay people.

If the name of fear people have for gay people is homophobia what is the name of fear gay people have for homophobics?

There is no name. Although homophobia seems more a hatred than a fear, gay people are rightly apprehensive of irrational hostility from alcohol fuelled thugs. Take care and be careful where you go. There is no term as of right now, because no one has made a word for them yet. Usually the idea of ignorant and irrational fear/hatred is a label homosexuals put on "homophobes". "Homophobes" will tend to condemn homosexuality as sin rather than accuse irrational fear.

How do you pronounce Gheorghe Zamfir?

Responding to "It's pronounced George Zam Fear" In fact his first name is Gheorghe, pronounced Gay-ór-gay, stressing the middle syllable. This is a not uncommon Romanian name, and he is Romanian. It's sometimes written as George, the English version. This is a different name in Romanian, and it would be pronounced Jay-or-jay. Zam-fear is correct.

How can gay be abolish?

being gay cannot be abolished. People are just born that way. What you can abolish is hatred and fear of gay people.

How do you overcome your fear of gay people becaus your niece just announced she is gay?

The single best way to overcome a fear of gay people is to spend some time with a gay person and get to know them. You will very quickly find out that there is absolutely nothing to be afraid of in the first place.

Is there a phobia name for the fear of fear itself?

Yes. Phobophobia is the name for the fear of fear itself.

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Nomatophobia : is the fear of a name.

Is Dallas a gay name?

There is no such thing as a gay name.

Is it true that in 1800 gay man made their language for fear of being arrested?

No, gay men in the 1800's did not have their own language for fear of being arrested. The men may of had code words to know if the other man was gay, but there was not a whole other language.

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Gay Ribisi's birth name is Gay Landrum.

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Inez Gay's birth name is Ynez Gay.

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Sein Gay's birth name is Sein Gay.