

What is the name for goldfish babies?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: What is the name for goldfish babies?
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How do you know when a goldfish is about to have babies?

Goldfish spawn in groups in springtime when the water temperature approaches 70F. They do not have live babies.

Do you take goldfish away from their babies?


How many babies can a goldfish have?


Can you see goldfish babies?

If they are there, you definitely can.

When can babies have goldfish crackers?

Around 2.

How do you find that your goldfish is pregnant?

Goldfish are egg laying fish, so they do not get pregnant and birth babies

Do goldfish eat their babies?

Yes, goldfish eat their young. This is why they lay so many eggs- most of the fry won't reach adulthood because other goldfish/fish will eat them. In pond Goldfish reproduction it is the ultimate case of "Survival of the Fittest".it depends on the situation. They will if they are starving.

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How long does it take for a goldfish to have babies?

Goldfish don't have babies, they lay eggs. They usually do so in the takes up to 45 minutes

Picture cycle life of goldfish?

they have sex and babies are made (: then sadly they die :( they have sex and babies are made (: then sadly they die :(

Can a betta fish and a goldfish have babies?

No, it is impossible. Goldfish are coldwater and have different spawning techniques than bettas.

Does a female goldfish have to have a male around to get pregnant?

Well yes you need a male goldfish and a female goldfish to have babies but it takes allot of time to breed them.