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Water or dihydrogen monoxide.
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Q: What is the name for the molecular compound h2o?
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Is H2O made of molecules?

Yes. Water is a molecular compound.

Does H2O represent an ion found in a glass of water?

No. H2O is the chemical formula for the molecular compound water.

What is the molecular compound name for Sil4?

Tetraiodosilane is the molecular compound name for Sil4.

H2o is the formula for what compound?

The formula is H2O. The name of this compound is water.

What is the chemical formula of a molecular compound called?

Molecular compounds are formed between two ionic bonds

What are two kinds of compounds?

The two types of compound are molecular and ionic. An ionic compound commonly used is table salt, or NaCl. A molecular compound commonly used is water, or H2O.

Compound water is an example?

Water is a compound consisting of the elements hydrogen and oxygen. The molecular formula for water is H2O.

Is oxygen and hydrogen combined a molecular compound?

Water, H2O, is a molecule of hydrogen and oxygen. It is considered a compound. That said, yes, oxygen and hydrogen combine to make a compound that is represented by the molecule H2O.

What is the name of compound of mgso4 h2o?

The name of the compound with a properly written formula of MgSO4.H2O is magnesium sulfate monohydrate.

What is the name of the molecular compound N4Se4?

Tetranitrogen tetraselenide is the name of the compound.

What is an example of a binary molecular compound?

A binary molecular compound consists of two elements that are covalently bonded. Examples include carbon dioxide (CO2), water (H2O), and methane (CH4).

What is the name of the molecular compound C5H12?
