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Q: What is the name given to something that is being tested and therefor changed on purpose?
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Are theories ever changed or modified after they have been tested?

Nope. They keep the theory the way it is. No one changes it. Usually, when scientist have tested the theory and find out something new, they create a new theory instead of changing the first one.

Can a scientific law be tested changed and tested again?

Yes, and yes again. That's what makes science functional.

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Because, the route has been tested before and has not been been popular. Therefor, there are sadly no flights.

Why don't all hypothesis become theories?

A scientific theory is something that is tried and tested, and not yet disproven. It is close to being scientific 'fact' as you can get. Not all hypotheses will become theories because sometimes they get disproven. That means the hypothesis will need to be changed and tested again.

What is a hyphothesis?

# A tentative explanation for an observation, phenomenon, or scientific problem that can be tested by further investigation. # Something taken to be true for the purpose of argument or investigation; an assumption. # The antecedent of a conditional statement

What variable is the part of the experiment that is being tested or the part that is changed by the person doing th experiment is called?

There Is Independent Which can Be Changed and Dependent That Cannot Be Changed.

What defines a mean-tested program?

When something is mean tested it means it has been tested to the extreme. It would be a very thorough test.

What defines a means -tested program?

When something is mean tested it means it has been tested to the extreme. It would be a very thorough test.

What is the purpose of a chorionic villi sampling?

The tissue can be tested for genetic defects.

What happens to the animal after cosmetics were tested on them?

Many of the animals die, are put to sleep, or tested on with something else.

What is the part of an experiment that is not being tested or part that is changed by the person doing the experiment?


The what variable is the part of the experiment that is being tested or the that is changed by the person doing the experiment?

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