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Q: What is the name given to the effect of trapping energy in the atmosphere?
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The greenhouse effect is a direct result of?

Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere trapping the sun's heat. Geenhouse gases like water vapor, carbon dioxide and methane become warm from infra-red heat given off by the warmed earth.

What is the measure of the amount of heat energy in the atmosphere?

The measure of heat in a given place is called the temperature.

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Why does venus have higher surface temperatures than mercury even though venus is farther from the sun?

Because Venus is closer to the sun than Earth is, it receives more solar energy than Earth does. Much of this radiation is reflected by Venus's clouds, but some radiation reaches the surface and is later given off as heat. The carbon dioxide in Venus's atmosphere traps heat so well that Venus has the hottest surface among the planets. This trapping of heat by the atmosphere is called the greenhouse effect.

Weather is the state of the what at a given time and place?

atmosphere be the answer !

What name is given to gases that trap some of the sun's energy within our atmosphere?

They are called "greenhouse gases" because, like the glass of a greenhouse, they capture heat energy being re-radiated (as infrared rays) from the Earth.

How does gas explode?

Gasses in the atmosphere are given some energy (activation energy), this energy is used for the activation of the explosion. As a few gas particles react, they then have higher energy and as they collide into other air particles it causes them to react. This happens rapidly and thus an explosion occurs. I think. Think of it as an exothermic reaction, but uncontroled.

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What Weather is the state of what at the given time and place?

atmosphere be the answer !

Weather is the state of the at a given time and place?


Weather is the state of the atmosphere at a given?

time and place.

What does energy budget mean?

It's the amount of energy given out by the sun, and the energy received by the earth. Within that is the energy reflected and the energy given off from the earth.