

What is the name of Fe203?

Updated: 9/24/2023
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Q: What is the name of Fe203?
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What is fe203?

Fe203 is iron oxide.

What does Fe203 contain?

Fe2O3 is just a compound of iron and oxygen it is also known as rust

WHAT IS FeSO4 equals FE203 plus SO2 plus SO3?

FeSO4 =Fe2O3 +So2 +SO3

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3h2so4+fe203------>fe2(H2So4)3 + H20 conc.

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mechanical nuclear chemical physical

What transition metal has 30 electrons?

Iron (Fe), 26 electrons in neutral atom, 23 in Fe3+. Rust, Fe203 has Fe3+ ions.

What can oxygen be combined with?

With what to do what? If you just mean with any other element, it can be combined with any other element. Fe203 (rust) H20 (water) those are examples of oxygen combining with iron and hydrogen to form those 2 compounds

How many atoms of oxygen are present in Fe203?

in one molecule of Fe2O3 there would be 3 oxygen atoms

what is the ionization energy of Fe2O3 Please answer with proper reference?

First you add OH to H2O which makes Fe203. Next you will have to subtract that by the FE which leaves you with 2O3. Finally add that up with 2O3 and equal. 2 Fe(OH)3 = 3 H2O + Fe2O3

What is the compound with the chemical formula Fe2O3?

The name of that compound is Iron (III) Oxide. The reason you must include the "(III)" is because Iron (Fe) has two possible charges, 2+ and 3+. If it was Iron (II) Oxide, the formula would be FeO. This is because Iron would have a 2+ charge, and the Oxygen would have a 2- charge, so it would bond equally.

What is akadama soil made of?

This one Akadama soil composition defined. Akadama soil: Al203 0.334 kg kg−1, SiO2 0.470 kg kg−1, Fe203 0.157 kg kg−1 by weight. See link: