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Elohim, the God of Genesis 1 and of the New Testament, the Father of Spirits, the Most High God.

Why not Jehovah? Because the New Testament teaches that Jesus Christ is Jehovah incarnate, the creation and begotten son of God.

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Answers from different contributors:

  • It depends on your religion or what you believe in as a spiritual entity.
  • As far as the Bible is concerned, the only place God is recorded as giving his name is to Moses when asked who Moses was supposed to say sent him. The answer was to tell them that I Am sent you.
  • At the time that YHWH was in use, it was thought that to know the name of a god was to have power over the god. Therefore the Hebrew god's name could not be known as he was believed to be all powerful. Not having a name made it difficult to talk or write about so the characters of YHVH were used as a substitute for a name. The pronunciation of the letters of YHVH seems to be Jehova or Yaweh. As noted in other parts of this post, there are plenty of names used in other religions.
  • God's name is YHWH, which means breath, the breath of life
  • Exodus 34:14 For thou shalt worship no other god: for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God:"
  • God's name is simply "God" to many people.
  • Some may argue that it does not really matter whether you address Almighty God by a personal name or not, and they are content to speak of and address God as "Father" or simply as "God."
  • Some will point out that "Father" and "God" are titles rather than names and are neither personal nor distinctive. It is similar to how a child might call his mother "mom" even though that is not her name.
  • Muslims call Him "Allah," which is simply the Arabic word for "God." According to Islamic tradition, there are 99 names of God set forth in the Q'uran, such as "Ar-Rahim" ("the most merciful"), "Al-Majid" ("the magnificent one" and "Al-Badi" ("the incomparable")
  • Elohim: Some call God "Elohim."Others say that in Biblical times the the word for God ('Elo?him', Hebrew) was used to describe any god, even the pagan Philistine god named Dagon. (Judges 16:23, 24) So for a Hebrew to tell a Philistine that he, the Hebrew, worshiped "God" would not have identified the true God whom he worshipped.
  • Jehovah or Yahweh: Some Christians call Him "Jehovah" or "Yahweh."
  • This is an anglicized pronunciation of the Hebrew tetragrammaton, YHWH, which are the four consonant letters used to spell God's name in the Old Testament (Exodus 3:14). The Hebrews considered the name of God too holy to pronounce and substituted the word "Lord" (adonai) when the text was read. The vowels of the word "adonai" was combined with YHWH to get the word "Jehovah" which was first used in the 12th century. A more accurate pronunciation of YHWH would be "Yahweh." However, the exact and proper pronunciation has been lost. Of interest is a comment in The Imperial Bible-Dictionary of 1874: "[Jehovah] is everywhere a proper name, denoting the personal God and him only; whereas Elohim partakes more of the character of a common noun, denoting usually, indeed, but not necessarily nor uniformly, the Supreme. . . . The Hebrew may say the Elohim, the true God, in opposition to all false gods; but he never says the Jehovah, for Jehovah is the name of the true God only. He says again and again my God . . . ; but never my Jehovah, for when he says my God, he means Jehovah. He speaks of the God of Israel, but never of the Jehovah of Israel, for there is no other Jehovah. He speaks of the living God, but never of the living Jehovah, for he cannot conceive of Jehovah as other than living." The Father: Some Christians prefer to use "The Father." Some will say the name of Jesus is Jehovah and that he was sent and directed by "God The Father." The Deus: Some followers of unorganized religious philosophies, such as pantheism, pandeism, deism, or omnitheism (but particularly among deists and pandeists) use the phrase "the Deus," which is Latin for God, to distinguish their ideas of God from references in religious texts, which followers of these philosophies tend to reject
  • Exodus 34:14 For thou shalt worship no other god: for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God:
  • "....Because the name was no longer pronounced and the vowels were not written, the exact pronunciation was forgotten. When Christians, unaware of the Jewish tradition, started to read the Hebrew Bible, they read יְהֹוָה with the Masoretic vowels together with the consonants as written, and obtained Iehovah. Today this transcription is generally recognized as mistaken
  • El is one of the names of God in Judaism.
  • God's name is whatever those who love him want to call him. Just so long as they want to know God it doesn't matter what name they use. Some people may get all high and mighty about it and preach as if what they say is the absolute and final truth. That says to me that they aren't true followers of God and his love because that kind of behavior is just offensive, and mean spirited. Just because you declaim that Gods name is YHWH and that anyone who doesn't know that or believe that doesn't actually know God, it doesn't make you right. Your not God, your word isn't truth. I don't know the true name of God, there might not be anybody who actually knows the true name of God and that's alright. God loves everyone, regardless of if they "know" his name or not. Chill out and love others as God loves you.
  • A name is simply how people identify or talk about a thing/being/object/idea, and because of the many different languages on the planet, God can be named anything at all, giving a special meaning to the namer. The name "God" is the most common English name. But "god" is a term for just a normal deity. The capitalization of the g serves the purpose to show that he is THE god.
  • Exodus 34:14 says "For you must not prostrate yourself to another god, because Jehovah , whose name is Jealous, he is a jealous God."
  • Exodus 35:4,5 mentions Jehovah god.
  • It depends on which God you wish to call upon, but the name of our one true Creator is EHYEH (I am ). Exodus 3:13-15, He makes this known stating EHYEH ASHER EHYEH (I am that I am) and that EHYEH is His name forever.
  • At John 17:26, Jesus said in prayer to God; "...I have made your name known to them (the apostles and disciples) and will make it known,...". Since Jesus was not praying to himself but to God, his Father in heaven, he didn't mean his own name. Psalm 83:18 reads; "That people may know that you, whose name is Jehovah, You alone are the Most High over all the earth." The spelling and pronunciation of that name has been consistent in english speaking countries for at least 500 years (King James Version Bible published 1611).
  • In most Christian countries, God is addressed by whatever word means "god" in that language: God, Dieu, Dios, Gott, etc. An accident of translation from the Hebrew resulted in God's name being spelled "Jehovah" in the King James Version of the Bible, and a number of Christian sects regard that as the real name of God.
  • A Christian's God is simply-God. He has many other names including Jehovah and Yahweh, All powerful, All Knowing, and Omniscient. Jesus, His son, is referred to as; Christ, Immanuel, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace, etc.
  • There many names found in the Bible, but the most powerful name is Jesus. "Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved." (Acts 4:12 NIV) "'Lord, even the demons submit to us in your name.'" (Luke 10 NIV)
  • YHWH - the four letters of the name preserved in Hebrew texts. Since vowels were not included, the exact pronunciation has not been preserved. Some scholars believe that it is pronounced Yahweh; it is not often used. Jehovah is the most widely recognized English pronunciation. The divine name is a verb, the causative form, the imperfect state, of the Hebrew verb ha•wah', "to become." Therefore, the divine name means "He Causes To Become." Many translators, for varying reasons, have replaced the proper name with titles, such as Adonai (the Lord) or Elohim (the Supreme, or the true God). This has led to much confusion among Christianity as well as Islam as to what the name of God is; causing many to believe that these titles are actually proper names, despite the fact that in any other context of life - your boss at work and their name, a child's school teacher and their proper name, a cat and the name you gave it - people automatically recognize the difference between a name and a title. But on the topic of God (in these two very large religious spheres), the elementary difference between name and title is cast aside without question by many.
  • Gods name was Jesus. Jesus is God on land because if you ever saw God you would die of is brightness. He shines.
  • A multiple choice question to see if you can guess it on your own:

Is the name of the Christian God...

a) God

b) Lord

c) Alpha and Omega (the begging and the end)

d) Jesus

e) Holy Spirit

f) Savior

g) Jehovah

Answers (a) through (c) are titles.

Answer (d), Jesus, is the name of the so-called "son of God" or "only-begotten son," the firstborn of all living creation.

Answer (e) is an impersonal active force that is issued forth from God to carry out his will: it was used in the creating of the earth; it transported Jesus from his pre-existence in heaven into the womb of Mary to be born a human; it inspired the thoughts and words written in the Bible, just to name a few.

Answer (f) is one of Jesus' titles.

Jn:8:42: Jesus said unto them, If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me.

Acts:7:32: Saying, I am the God of thy fathers, the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. Then Moses trembled, and durst not behold.

Jn:8:58: Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.

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