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How is the nature of God in Judaism different from God in Christianity

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Q: How is the nature of God in Judaism different from God in Christianity?
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What three religions worship the same god?

Ostensibly, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam worship the same God. However, each ascribes slightly different attributes to His nature.

Who was the God of Christianity and Judaism?

There is only One God in Christianity, Judaism and Islam.

How did Judaism and Christianity start?

Judaism & Christianity started with God's Covenant with Abraham.

What god does judaism and islam believe in?

Judaism, Islam, and Christianity all believe in the same God, who created the universe, though each religion has a different understanding of God and what God wants from us.

What are the gods that Islam believe in?

The god of Abraham is the god of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. They all worship the same god, but the prophets are different.

Is God a part of nature in Judaism?

God is everywhere; so is present in nature.

Who is the founder of faith?

God founded faith in Judaism and Christianity, with Judaism having the promises and Christianity having the fulfillment of the promises.

What is the basis of Judaism Christianity and Islam?

The basis of Judaism, Christianity and Islam is the belief in the ONENESS of Almighty God (Allah - in Arabic).

What 2 other mono theistic religions beside judaism?

Judaism, Islam, and Christianity are seen as the three major monotheistic religions in the world. This can be argued, though. Some people believe that Christianity believes in three gods that form one being. Others believe that Christianity has two gods, God and the Devil. Sometimes Islam and Judaism are not seen as perfectly monotheistic. Actually, a common misconception is that Hinduism is polytheistic. Hinduism believes in one almighty God that expresses himself in different ways. This can be compared to the Abrahamic religions, Islam, Judaism, and Christianity. God sometimes is called different names in these religions depending on what the Lord is doing. God the defender, God the powerful, God the great, God the merciful, God the creator. All of these are referring to God, but they specify what God is doing. In Hinduism God is everywhere and in everything. God is too mighty to be understood, so when God does different things, God is seen differently.In conclusion, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, and Christianity can all be seen as monotheistic religions. If you do not understand any of what I said, simply stick to the Abrahamic religions and say Islam, Judaism, and Christianity.

What is the nature of Deity between Christianity and Judaism?

Most Christians believe that Deity is Jesus while Jews don't. They believe that God is the Creator with no incarnation.

Where did Judaism start according to Christianity?

Christianity acknowledges that Judaism began with Abraham as the first person after Noah to have a personal relationship with God.

What religion worshiped one god?

Christianity, Islam, and Judaism are the main ones. Buddhism focuses on Buddha