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Q: What is the name of a castrated male hedgehog?
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What is the name of a castrated male duck?

The name for a castrated male Duck is a Capon

What is a castrated male cat called?

A castrated male cat is usually just called a "neutered" or "fixed" male.

What is a male castrated deer called?

a castrated male turkey is called a hokie.

What is the male name for a sheep?

An intact male sheep is called a Ram, a castrated male is called a Wether.

What is castrated male turkey called?

capon is the name of a castrated rooster there is no specific name for a castrated turkey

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What is the term for castrated male sheep and goats?

There is no specific name for a castrated rabbit. The word "castrated" means the male rabbit. Other words for "castrated," when it comes to rabbits, are "neutered," "altered," and "fixed."

What is a castrated lion called?

A castrated male lion is not given a special name. What is interesting, however, is that when a male lion is castrated, it will lose its main due to a lack of testosterone.

What is the name for desexed male pig?

The name for a castrated (desexed) male pig is a barrow.

What is the name of castrated male rabbit?

Castrated farm animals have different names depending on the animal. A castrated male cow is called a steer. A female who has never given birth is a heifer. A castrated male horse is a gelding. A female spayed horse is still called a mare. A castrated male pig is a hog.

What is the name of a castrated male swan?

There is no name for a castrated male duck. An intact male duck is called a drake while a female duck is called a duck.

What is a castrated male goat called?

A castrated buck goat (male) is called a wether.a wetherAs with sheep, a castrated male goat is called a wether.