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Q: What is the name of a north American songbird whose call resembles feline mewing?
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American songbird whose call resembles feline mewing?

the catbird,of the mocking bird group.

When was Mewing Kingfisher created?

Mewing Kingfisher was created in 1974.

Three words for cats ending with ing?

Mewing It's like a meow...but generally done by kittens or young adult cats.

What is the difference between meowing and mewing?

Mewing often refers to a high pitched sound a kitten makes. Meowing is a characteristic noise that an adult cat makes

Why does an abandoned kitten keep mewing?

It is programmed to cry for help till it gets it or it dies...

Is it possible for a person to turn into a cat?

yes....if you get a costume....go through a cat makeover and start mewing......i guess.

Dogs woof but we call it bark cats meow what do you call it?

it's still called meowing or mewing if they are kittens.

What sounds peacocks make?

They make a really loud and weird mewing sound. Its been used to good effect in a few murder mystery shows.

What sounds does a peacock make?

They make a really loud and weird mewing sound. Its been used to good effect in a few murder mystery shows.

What are signs of cri du chat syndrome in a baby?

A high-pitched mewing cry during infancy is a classic feature of cri du chat

Why do cats get larangitus?

Probably from meowing too much, mainly when its cold. My cat Tigger lost his voice after my cat Uno died and he didn't know what happened to her so he kept mewing for her and then he lost his voice for awhile, about two weeks.

What sound does a secretary bird make?

Secretary birds are usually silent, but when displaying they will make a horse croaking sound, similar to wood being dragged over a wash board. They can occasionally be hear making mewing sounds at night.