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Q: What is the name of a rain that soaks into soil and rock?
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What could happen to rain that falls onto a field of grass?

It either soaks into the soil or it runs downhill (drainage), or it evaporates.


soil was first rock,which then later turned to soil by a factor that they where broken down to soil by rain

What does the following sentences mean soil were once rock?

soil was first rock,which then later turned to soil by a factor that they where broken down to soil by rain

What does the following sentence mean soil were once rock?

soil was first rock,which then later turned to soil by a factor that they where broken down to soil by rain

What happens when the rain soaks into the the ground and moves down to rocks?

It lifts minerals from the rocks and soil and washes it down to the lowest point of elevation.

How does rain help in formation of soil?

Rain mixes and can pulverize particles of soil.when rain water fall on the rock then it break the rock into smaller pieces.

What Does The Following Sentences Means Soil Were Once Rocks?

soil was first rock,which then later turned to soil by a factor that they where broken down to soil by rain

What does the following sentences mean soil were once rocks?

soil was first rock,which then later turned to soil by a factor that they where broken down to soil by rain

What is the term for when water soaks into soil and rocks?


What is erosion georgraphy?

rock or soil is gradually destroyed by wind, rain, or the sea:

When should I put the natural grass fertilizer down?

Grass fertilization should be done in spring or fall. It is preferable to spread fertilizer before a rain so that it soaks into the soil.