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Q: What is the name of a school project where you grow a bean in the dark?
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Will a lima bean grow better in the dark or light?

It will grow better in the light

Why do plants in the dark grow so much?

Bean plants can grow a lot in dark places but they don't produce. The reason why beans grow so long in the dark is because they try to find light. And they turn blonde.

What will happen to a bean plant if it is left in the dark?

It won't grow much but it will try to find the light.

How do you grow and harvest a pinto bean in your home?

put the pitos in a warm room in a dark room(not to dark)and keep in moist soil and observe for 14 days

Where in the world do green bean seeds grow?

where do green bean grow

Can you grow a coco bean tree from a coco bean?

No you cant grow a coco bean tree from a coco bean because you need a specil seed

Will bean seeds grow using sugar water?

yes it actually does it helps spider plants really good though and it could kill bean plants though.

What kind or bean does not grow from seed?

A jelly bean?

What kind of bean does not grow in a garden?

Coffe bean

When do you put your bean plant in soil after putting it in a jar to grow a little for a science project?

Probably around the time its two cotyledons are shriveling up.

What will grow better a bean plant in organic or in dirt?

A bean will grow better in dirt not organic.

Can a bean plants grow in alcohol?

Well I don't think a bean can grow in alcohol because the alcohol will not be able to provide the nutrients for the bean so i do not think it will be able to grow...