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Q: What is the name of a small candle?
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How do you hold candles steady in a small holder?

Light the candle and let some of the hot wax drip into the small holder. Then, while the wax is still hot put the candle into the holder and steady it until the wax hardens. That should do it for you.

What does it mean when you do a love spell and the candle turns into a blue heart with a small flame in the middle?

this may show it works.

How fast does a candle burn?

It depends on what kind of wax that the candle is made out of

How do you make old candles look new?

Select a product (a candle you want to repair).Plug the candle warmer in the socket and turn it on.Place the candle in a jar if not all ready in one.Place candle on the candle warmer hot plate.Allow time for the old candle to completely melt.Once the candle has melted dip the new wick into the melted wax.Allow to dry.Dip again..Allow to dryMake sure, the wick is well coated.Place the wick into the empty jar.Pour the wax from its jar to the jar that contains the wick.Take old wick out of old jar.Allow to dry and harden.If the candle does not look like a sufficient amount fell free to wait until you have another candle melt it and pour the melted wax on to of the newly create candle from step 15. Once you feel the candle has meet its potential to be new place it in a safe area.Take a lighter and light the candle.Enjoy its fragrance.

What are facts about candle making?

Candle making facts are people enjoy the process of personalizing the candle. You must be neat about it. And there is a certain way to place the wick for best burning.

Related questions

When was Each Small Candle created?

Each Small Candle was created in 2000.

What name is given to a process such as burning a candle?

The process of burning a candle is called combustion, which is a chemical reaction involving oxygen that produces heat and light. During combustion, the wax in the candle combines with oxygen in the air to release carbon dioxide and water vapor along with heat and light.

What is the name of the candle that is blessed and lit at the beginning of the liturgy?

The candle is called the Paschal candle. It is sometimes referred to as the "Easter candle."

What is the name of the candle lit on holy Saturday?

the paschal candle

What is the name of the candle in baptism?

at baptism we use a candle called a baptismal candle Hope I Helped You :)

What is the name of the candle that is part of a religion and th candels name starts with the letter a?

Advent candle.

How do you get your candle out of the holder if the candle is really small?

Put it in the Freezer for about 1/2hour falls right out

What are some idea for candle wedding favors?

There are many ideas for candle wedding favors. Examples of ideas for candle wedding favors includes custom candles, beautiful candle holders, and small candle sticks.

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What was the cats name in the movie bell book and candle?

Pyewacket was the name of the cat in the movie Bell Book and Candle.

What is the name of the candle that is lit during the Easter vigil ceremony?

the Paschal candle

What is soft candle?

Soft candle is just a local name for paraffin wax