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Q: What is the name of a small, yellow spider with long legs?
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What kind of spider is kinda small and has long legs small head is brown?

Sounds like a common wolf spider they are small but bigger than some other spiders which makes look like it is kinda small it has long legs almost like a daddy long leg it also has a brown head

What do daddy longlegs look like?

The "Daddy long legs" crane-fly is an insect, with 6 long legs, a small thin line as a body, and wings. There is also a "daddy long legs spider" of somewhat similar appearance though as a spider, is obviously wingless and with 8 legs.

What kind of spider has really long legs?

The spider with the longest legs is a kind of Huntsman spider that lives in S.E. Asia. Its legs can span a dinner plate. It has a 12 inch leg span, so its longest legs must be about 6 inches long.

What is the difference between a spider and a daddy long legs?

Spiders usually have two body-parts while daddy long-legs have only one. Daddy long-legs have a teeny body with very long and thin legs, hence the name. Some spiders might have long legs and small body but you'll never find one as scrawny as the daddy long-legs. You can find daddy long-legs in groups sometimes while spiders are always alone. Spiders defend themselves by biting. Daddy long-legs spit acid and cannot bite, they're fangs are too small to penetrate skin.

What two animals are closely related to a spider?

Scorpion and Daddy long-legs. The Daddy long-legs isn't actually a spider.

What is the least deadly spider?

The least deadliest spider is The Daddy Long Legs Spider.

What is another name for a daddy long legs spider?

harvestman spider

Why does a Japanese giant spider crab have long legs?

it is half spider

Are grand daddy long legs in the spider family?

its not a spider but it is an arachnid

What kind of spider is clear with long legs and a black bottom?

Daddy long legs

How long are spider crabs legs?


What kind of spider has a white body with long legs with orange bands on legs?

i have seen this spider before :D i think it is called the tree spider