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Trunk flexion & unilateral trunk flexion.

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Q: What is the name of an intended action of the primary muscle for the abdominal?
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What is the intended action of the primary muscle in the upright row?


What is the intended action of the primary muscle used in barbell upright row?

shoulder flexion shoulder adduction shoulder horizontal extension

What is the intended action of the primary muscle of hanging leg raise?

trunk flexion lateral trunk flexion

What is the definition of Target muscle?

The primary muscle intended for exercise.

Name an intended action of the primary muscle for the hanging leg raise?

While performing a hanging leg raise one of the intended actions of the primary muscle, the iliopsoas, is to flex the thigh and the trunk during the exercise. Other primary muscles include the rectus femoris, tensor fascia lata, and adductors.

What is the primary muscle for the side bridge?

The side bridge is an exercise that influences every muscle that the oblique's touch. The primary muscles for the side bridge are the abdominal muscles.

What is the action of the external oblique muscle?

they rotate the ribs and pelvis, they help you breathe and they flex your trunk forward

What is a muscle with primary action at a freely moving joint called?

The Agonist muscle. In contrast, the muscle group that has passive action(the muscle being stretched) is called the antagonis muscle. For example, when doing a bicep curl. Your biceps are the agonists and your triceps would be the antagonists.

What muscle is separating the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity?

The thoracic cavity is separated from the abdominal cavity by the diaphragm. This is a broad flat muscle. (muscular) diaphragmThe diaphragm is a muscle that separate the thoracic from the abdominal cavity. The pelvis is the lowest part of the abdominal cavity and it has no physical separation from it Diaphragm

The muscle that is mostly involved in any specific action is called what?

The primary mover.

What is between the abdominal and pelvis?

the abdominal is your abs which is a muscle and your pelvis is a bone

What is the primary action of the Occipitalis muscle?

The occipitalis muscle pulls the scalp back, and to some extent can wiggle the ears. It creates a look of startle or surprise on the face. It can be involved in headaches by staying tense for too long.