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Astronomers call that shape the Pot because it looks like aPot or a dipper as you say.

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Q: What is the name of big deeper in Orion constellation?
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What is the name of the dog in the constellation of Orion?

There is no dog in the constellation of Orion. But just to his east are the constellations Canis Major and Canis Minor, the big and little dogs.

Which constellation can Taurus be found in?

Taurus is the name of a constellation ... one of those in the Zodiac.It looks like a big letter ' V ' above and to the right of Orion.

Which constellation point to the same direction?

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What are some constellation seen in the sky?

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Arabic, a Male name for Foot. Rigel is a blue star of the first magnitude that marks the hunter's left foot in the Orion constellation.

What are the most visible constellation?

The most visible constellation year-round is the Big Dipper. in winter, it is probly orion in summer, its probablyyy scorpius

What months can you see Orion best?

Orion is a recognisable constellation's mostly visible in the winter season looks like a shape of kite or a big square.

What is another name for constellation?

The word "asterism" is used to refer to a pattern or grouping of stars that is not on the International Astronomical Union's list of constellations. But an Asterism IS NOT a constellation - it can be a pattern like the Big Dipper (which is part of the constellation Ursa Major, the Great Bear), Orion's Belt, The Summer Triangle, etc.

What is the size of The Big Dipper Constellation?

The Big Dipper is not a constellation. It's an asterism (part of a constellation), and it's BIG ! (hence the name).

Which constellation contains the big deeper?

I'm pretty sure it is Ursa Major (great bear)

In which constellation is Sirus found?

Sirius is found in the Heart of Canis Major, the Big Dog - just south and east of Orion.