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Q: What is the name of blue footed booby in spanish?
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What does the pet name booby mean?

Bird, like a blue footed booby

Why does blue footed boobies have that name?

"booby" is a Spanish term for "bobo" which means stupid clown or clumsy. These birds are very clumsy on land and they have the name blue footed because they have blue webbed feet.

Whats the scientific name for a Blue-footed Booby?

Sula nebouxii

What is a Sula nebouxii?

"Sula nebouxii" is the scientific name of the BLUE FOOTED BOOBY.

What is the scientific name for the Blue Footed Booby?

Sula nebouxii

What is the scientific name for the red-footed booby?

The scientific name of the red-footed booby is Sula sula.

What is the scientific name for a Red-footed Booby?

The scientific name of the Red footed Booby is Sula sula.

What is a bird's name that is also a color and is not canary?

black bird Blue Footed Boobie Red Robin Great White Owl Blue Herring The above are wrong. The real names are blackbird (various kinds) , Blue-footed Booby, American Robin, Snowy Owl, and Great Blue Heron.

What is the history of the booby?

The Booby, a type of seabird, is part of the family Sulidae. It is closely related to the gannets. Boobies received their name by allowing themselves to be captured while asleep. Boobies live near tropical and subtropical islands around the world, coming ashore only to breed. At sea they can be seen diving from the sky to catch fish. There are many types of Boobies including the Blue Footed and Red Footed Boobies.

Birds that start with b?

birds that start with b... Blue Footed Booby, Budgie(Parakeet in another name), Barn Swallow, Brown Headed Cow Bird, Blue Penguin. And that's only what i can think of right now, but there are many more!

What is an Abbott's booby?

An Abbott's booby is a large endangered seabird of the sulid family, Latin name Papasula abbotti.

What is the yellow footed rock wallaby's common name?

"Yellow footed rock wallaby" is the common name of this marsupial.