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carbon di oxide

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Q: What is the name of phenomenon because of which the earth's atmospheric temperature is increasing?
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Name the phenomenon because of which the earth's atmospheric temperature is increasing and causing widespread environmental changes?

Global warming, caused by deforestation and the burning of fossil fuels.

What is the phenomenon because of which the earth's atmospheric temperature is increasing and causing widespread environmental changes?

The Runaway Greenhouse Effect is the phenomenon causing global warming.It is being caused by the increase of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.Carbon dioxide is being released because we are burning fossil fuels for transport and also to generate electricity.Methane is being released because tundras and peat bogs are melting, and also because we are breeding vast amounts of beef cattle, which belch methane.

Why evaporation is considered as a surface phenomenon?

Evapouration is called a surface phenomenon because as we put water in the presence of sunlight with duration in time the temperature starts increasing and the hydrogen bonds of H2O from the surface starts breaking and the dissociated molecules move upward (lighter in nature) and therfore evapouration takes place from the surface but not inside.

Is a helium liquid?

No - it is a gas element

The Uppermost atmospheric layer?

The uppermost atmospheric layer is the THERMOSPHERE. here temperature again increases with altitude because many of the gases are absorbing solar radiation.

What makes it easier to dissolve a solute in a solvent?

Because that is how the meanings of the words are defined.

Why do full moon appears to be small but on the horizon it appears big?

Because the atmosphere contains water, and so it acts like a lens; the phenomenon is called "atmospheric lensing."

Does evaporation rais the tempeature of a liquid?

Evaporation does not raise the temperature of a liquid, evaporation happens because of the increasing temperature of that liquid.

By increasing the temperature the temperature of water how are you changing the kinetic energy of the water molecules?

It is being increased, because temperature is the average kinetic energy of the object.

Why is a solution heated during evaporation in the laboratory?

Because evaporation is accelerated after increasing of the temperature.

Why are gases less soluble at higher tempatures?

Increasing the temperature increases the atmospheric partial pressure of the gas, shifting the equilibrium towards the gas phase. This reduces the concentration of gas in a solution as the gas molecules move into the gas phase.

As the temperature of a chemical reaction in the gas phase is increased the rate of the reaction increases because?

Increasing the temperature generally increases the speed with which molecules move.