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Q: What is the name of sacred collection of knowledge of the Aryans?
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What is the name of sacred book of aryans?


What is the name of the early Aryans religions?

the early religion of the aryans is now called brehmanism, after the name of the aryan peiests, or brahmins. The aryans worshiped many nature srities. The brahmin made a sacrifices to those deities by offering animals to a sacred fire. X0X0 Infinity

What is the meaning of name Ved?

"Sacred Knowledge" It is Indian in Origin. -Abaddon

What is the birth name of Peter Aryans?

Peter Aryans's birth name is Peter Carolus Jan Vander.

How did the vedic age get its name?

By Aryans

Another name for Aryans is?

"noble ones"

What is Another names for Aryans?

There was no official other name for Aryans. In India, they usually referred to themselves as "the superior ones" or "the noble ones."

Vedas is related to what English word?

In Spanish, "veda" is a synonym for "prohibitions" (used as in "closed season" or restricted operations). In ancient Sanskrit, Vedas roughly translates as "knowledge" and is the name given to very old texts in India which are sacred to Hinduism.

What is the translation of the sacred name of god?

If you're talking about the sacred name of God in the Bible, it's Yahweh. It was so sacred, they didn't even put vowels in his name.

What does the name shruti means?

"Shruti" is a Sanskrit word that means "that which is heard" or "revealed knowledge." It refers to the ancient sacred texts of Hinduism, specifically the Vedas, which are believed to be revealed to ancient sages through divine sources.

What is the meaning of Bengali name Soutrik?

The name Soutrik is of Bengali origin and typically means "wise" or "intelligent." It conveys qualities such as knowledge, insight, and wisdom.

What was the name of person who ruled over Aryans tribal ghroup?
