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Q: What is the name of something both a carnivore and a herbivore?
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What is the scientific name of a herbivore and an carnivore?

a good scientific name for a herbivore is a plant eater

Is a caribou a carnivore omnivore or a herbivore?

Caribou are related to deer and they both eat plants. Another name for plants is herb. Another name for meat is caro. And Omni means all.

Are cats herbivores?

A herbivore is a plant eating animal like a giraffe. The clue is in the name Herbivore herbs come from plants. A cat is a carnivore as it eats meat and nothing else. An omnivore is a bit of both.

What is a manta ray omnivore carnivore herbivore?

hello my name is bob have u googled it?

What is the name if an organism that eats both plants and animals?

carnivore-eats the flesh of other animals herbivore-eats plant material omnivore- eats both animals and plants

What is the scientific name given to a meat and plant eater?

meat eater- carnivore plant eater- herbivore

Another name for a plant eater is?

Plant eaters are called herbivores. These animals only eat plant, but nothing else. Meat eaters are called carnivores and both plant and meat eaters are called omnivores.

What is the term for an animal that eats mainly meats?

The name for an animal that eats ALL MEAT is a carnivore. An animal that eats BOTH PLANTS AND MEAT is a ominavore and the name for an animal that eats ALL PLANTS is a herbivore. Hope that answered your question! PS: i am not completely sure of the spelling

Is the t-rex a herbivore?

of course. it is famous for its love of yummy forest veg like cabbage. it also enjoyed bamboo and chicken nuggets. hope i helped you =)

Is a bird a carnivore omnivore or a herbivore?

Small birds (sparrows) are most likely herbivore because they have small beaks for opening nuts, grain, small worms and other small pieces on the ground. Larger birds like eagles, large black birds, chickens, owls to name a few can catch and eat mice, small rodents, these are carnivore.

What are types of friendships?

I view 5 types of friendship 1. You have "hey um...I know your face but I cant think of your name". This is the person who is pleasant, but you don't spend enough time with them to be on a first name basis. 2. You have "acquaintance". These are the people who know your name and carry conversations with you from time to time. You never hang out with them or anything, but they might sit beside you in class and talk to you during breaks, but you probably never talk to them outside of school or work. 3. You have the "common interests. These are the friends you have only because you do something together (classes, band, sports...ect). These are the people your pretty close to during practice or when your doing that "common interests" together. But your not so close outside of the "common comfort zone". 4. You have the "Friend". The "friend" comes in 3 sub categories *1) The "Herbivore" is the talker. He talks to you when ever one of you wants to talk. It can be about anything, anywhere or anytime. The "Herbivore" is normally a school friend that has alot of classes with you, or has breaks at the same time you do. This friend is what happens when the "common interest" evolves into a closer relationship. You both have common interest and you get along great anytime. The "Herbivore" is the friend that will see you sit down in a public place, get up from were he's sitting, and come sit with you and talk, thus making them the 2nd closest level of "Friend" *2) The "Carnivore" is the do-er. The "Carnivore" is the friend that has to be doing something with you or he looses interest and leaves. The "Carnivore" lacks the potential to get close to you like the "Herbivore". But if you ever wanna go hang or do something, you know you can call the "Carnivore" and they'll be there. Since the "Carnivore" always requires action to be satisfied, they tend to be the most distant friend. *3) The "Omnivore" is the ideal "Friend". They talk to you, and they hang with you. The "Omnivore" is what happens when the "Carnivore" or the "Herbivore" relationship evolves into the next stage of friendship. 5. The "Best Friend" is pretty much your brother. They know all that there is to know about you. Their always there for you when you need them, they are the embodiment of a "true friend"

What is a name for a meat lover?
