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Q: What is the name of that hatch from insect eggs?
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What do you do with stick insect eggs?

Leave them alone. They will hatch out by themselves.

How long after the insect lays her eggs does it take to hatch?

This mostly depends on the species. For instance, Indian Stick Insect eggs take around six months to hatch, whereas Giant Prickly (Extatosoma tiaratum) eggs can take up to a year.

How long does it take for a stick insect's eggs to hatch?

4-6 months

Why do stick insect eggs hatch at night?

some stick insects actually hatch when it is quite warm they will hatch in soil if the weather in your house is cold they won't hatch.

How does one hatch spiny stick insect eggs?

about 3-4 months i know because my stick insects eggs have just hatched

What family are thorn bugs in?

yes there larva are called Nymph and the hatch out of eggs

How long eggs to hatch?

I believe it take 21 days for a egg to hatch It depends entirely upon the species. Insect eggs may take a matter of days to hatch. Birds' eggs may take around three weeks. The kiwi's egg has an incubation period of 70-80 days.

Do maggots eat dead bodies?

Maggot is a general term for the larval form of an insect. They appear 2-5 days after an adult insect lays its eggs. In the case of a deceased animal, flies are usually the source of maggots. The flies lay their eggs after being drawn to the smell of rotting flesh. The eggs hatch into maggots and they get their nutrients from eating the body. This also aids in decomposition. Actually there is a field of forensics called forensic entymology or solving crimes by observing the insects/larva on a body. Each insect has a specific life cycle and the time it takes for the larva to hatch can be diagnostic.

How long until stick bugs eggs hatch?

Stick insect eggs take about six to nine months to hatch, possibly a little earlier if kept in a warm room. If the insect is well fed, kept clean and exercised regularly, it can live for as long as 1 year, 2 months and 14 days.

An insect egg may hatch into what?

an insect

Do humming Birds hatch from a cocoon?

No, birds lay eggs and their chicks hats from these eggs. Humming Birds are birds (it says so in their name) so they hatch from eggs.

How long does the eggs of a spiny leaf insect take to hatch without a male?

Some stick insect eggs (ova) can hatch within a matter of months, to a couple of years. When raising stick insect eggs, it's best to place on a paper towel, sand or coconut fiber in a container; burying is not needed. LIGHTLY mist every 3 days. Keep eggs at a certain temperature, either room temperature or for colder areas, between 20-22c. Hoped this helps! (: