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Q: What is the name of that movie where a guy has a girlfriend and his daughters find out that his girlfriend killed their mother?
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The new movie was in an alternative timeline. A alternative universe.

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No she got killed by the mother in the end. The son is at hospital who survives and the girl was with the mother at the end.

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Think you might mean John Dillinger and not James Dillinger. He was not killed while watching a movie it was outside the movie theatre that he was shot. Do not know the movie but it was his girlfriend who gave him away to the police. Does it really matter that much what he was watching?

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Jason wasn't the killer in the first movie, his mother was; she killed nine people.

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OMG THIS WAS MY FAVORITE MOVIE!!!! oh by the way it was called Harry potter and the curse of the 50 cent it had the game playing as voldamort and 2 PAC playing as double dees and lil jhon as Ron and the best of all eminem playing as mouthroy IT WON A GOLDEN PROBE!!!!!!!!!!!