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Q: What is the name of the area where sound waves are pushed apart?
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Area in which sound waves are pushed together?

This question is misguided. It is not the sound waves which are apart, but the particles of the medium. A place where the particles are further apart is called a rarefaction. Where they are crowded together is called a compression.

Area which wound waves are pushed apart?

A sound wave is essentially fast changing sound pressure. Longitudinal sound waves need a medium to travel through in order to exist.

What is hyperechogenicity?

It means that there is an increase sound waves in that area.

An area where no direct seismic waves from a particular earthquake can be detected?

shadow zone

What is a sound shadow?

A sound shadow refers to the area where sound waves are blocked or weakened by an obstruction, creating a quieter zone. It occurs when an object absorbs or reflects sound, creating a barrier for the transmission of sound waves. Sound shadows are commonly experienced in outdoor environments where obstacles like buildings or mountains block the direct path of sound waves.

If a tree falls in the forest and nobody's around to hear it does it still make a sound?

Yes because sound waves exist even if people aren't in the area.

Which Of The Following Does Sound Waves Travel Most Slowly Through An Iron Pole A Block Of Maplewood A Pool Of Fresh Water Or An Area Of Dry Air?

AIRbecause the particles are spread apart

The amount of energy a sound wave carries per second through a unit area is its?

The number of sound waves per unit time is called the frequency of the wave.

What two factors are considered in building a concert hall to reduce the amount of reflection of sound waves?

Shape of the area. Materials it contains.

How does the flute make sound to make you hear the flute when playing?

Like in most woodwind instruments, when you blow into the mouthpiece that sets the whole length of the instrument vibrating. This vibrating is transferred into sound waves as it bounces off the surface of the interior. That is only one note, to get other notes you have to change the surface area against which the sound waves vibrate so the keys that you push and release create a different surface area therefore changing the vibration of the sound wave.

What is the area of Summer Waves?

The area of Summer Waves is 44,515.4206464 square meters.

Why does sound waves die out after traveling for a long time?

A sound wave has a fixed amount of energy. Because sound waves usually move outward in a circular pattern of increasing size, that energy gets stretched out over a larger and larger area, and the energy eventually becomes so thin as to be undetectable, or too quiet to be heard.