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Q: What is the name of the asteroid that will come close to earth?
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What is the name of the asteroid that hit planet earth that set perfect orbit and rotation as we know it?

It was not an asteroid. It was a planet. The name starts with an 'M'.

What was the name of the asteroid that had a near collision with the earth?

The Gr8 JAke

Name of all planet around the earth?

Venus and Mercury are between the Earth and the Sun. Mars is between the Earth and the asteroid belt, and Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are on the other side of the asteroid belt from the Earth.

What is the name of the asteroid that will be near earth in 2029?

99942 Apophis is an asteroid where initial observations indicated a small probability (up to 2.7%) that it would strike the Earth in 2029.Later observations concluded that the asteroid would miss the Earth.The chances are now set at a one in 3 million that it will hit Earth.

What was the name of the asteroid that hit earth?

They have not been named. There have been many of them over the millions of years.

What is the name of the asteroid that will probably seen on earth this february 15-16 2013?

It does not have an actual name, but it has the designation 2012 DA14

Does an asteroid name change once it reaches earth?

To a meteor upon entry into atmosphere then meteorite if it hits.

What is the name of the Japanese probe that will bring samples of asteroid's surface to earth?

The Hayabusa ~ see related link below .

What is the name of the largest knowen asteroid?

asteroid Ceres

What is the name of the second asteroid named after Elicott Douglass?

Asteroid 15420 or the Aedouglass

What do astriods and meteors have in common?

An asteroid (not "astroid" - watch the spelling) and a meteoride is basically the same; if it has more than about 10 meters in diameter it is called an asteroid. A meteor is the name given to a meteorite that falls into Earth's atmosphere.