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Yersinia pestis

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Q: What is the name of the bacillus and bacterium that causes the black death?
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What is bacterium clostridium?

Bacterium Clostridium is a class of bacteria that are rod-shaped and of which there are approximately 100 species. Five of these species can affect humans, and include C. botulinum, C. difficile, C. perfringens, C.tetani and C. sordellii.

Is the black plague a gram positive or gram negative?

The Black Plague (Yersinia pestis) is caused by a Gram- rod. Untreated, it causes a 80% death rate.

What really caused the black death?

The black death, or bubonic plague, came from a bacterium now known as Pasteurella pestis. It was carried by fleas who, in turn, attached to rats on merchant ships coming from the East of Europe. These rats then transmitted the disease, which also was contagious to humans. All it took was for one human to get bitten by a rat or flea and he or she would have the bubonic plague.

Is clostridium tetani considered armed or dangerous?

Clostridium tetani, the bacterial pathogen that causes tetanus (lock jaw) is arguably armed but is definitely dangerous. The toxin excreted by this bacterium causes serious illness and death in humans, but it is arguable whether that toxin can be considered an intentional weapon, since it serves the bacteria no purpose to kill its host.

What disease does Bacillus anthracis cause?

Bacillus anthracis is a gram positive, aerobic, endosporic bacteria. Human infection is usually through the cut or abrasion of the skin, resulting in cutaneous anthrax; however, inhaling spores may result in pulmonary anthrax, also known as woolsorter's disease. If spores reach the gastrointestinal tract, gastrointestinal antrax may result The principle virulence factor of B. anthracis are encoded on two plasmids- one involved in the synthesis of polyglutamyl capsule that inhibit phagocytosis and the other bearing the genes for the synthesis of its exotoxins.

Related questions

What causes of the black death you think the mice?

No. The Black Death is caused by a bacterium called Yersinia pestis.

Did the black death hert?

black death was spread by Yersinia pestis bacterium. It causes bloody vomit fever and tumors.

What is Yersinia pestis a plague in history and in modern times?

Yersinia pestis is the bacillus that causes the Black Death (Bubonic Plague).

What micro-organism Alaxandre Yersin discovered?

He discovered Yesinia pestis a bacillus that causes the Black Death also called The Pest.

Why was the reason of the black death?

black death was caused by Yersinia pestis bacterium. It spread by rats and fleas.

What do people think black death is now?

A disease caused by the bacillus, Yersinia pestis.

How do you use the word black death in a sentence?

Bubonic plague was caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis, and was commonly known as the black death or black plague.

Is the Black Death and Enterobacteria the same thing?

black death was caused by Yersinia pestis bacterium. While Enterobacteria is class of bacteria.

How do you say black death in Latin?

The Black Death is believed to be caused by the bacterium Yersinia Pertis. The Black Death in latin is Atra Mors; literally meaning "Terrible Death".carolyn maxwell

Can you find a picture of the Black Death?

It's probably an image of a bacterium, but yes, I can.

Step by step What effects did the Black Death do to people?

Black Death was spread by Yersinia pestis bacterium. Symptoms bloody vomit fever and tumors followed with death.

Will the black plague reach Australia in 2010?

The bacterium that causes the Black Death shows up sporadically throughout the world, mainly in desert areas with large rodent populations. It is easily treated with antibiotics if caught early.