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Virtually any type of bacteria can grow on chocolate. Very few types can live in the chocolate, though, as chocolate is often heated and refined from it's original state to what most consumers recognize it as.

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Sorry people, for wasting your time looking this up and wanting to know the answer. But, this is whadd I don't know. Jeez, Can anyone answer this question? With the REAL question?

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Q: What is the name of the bacteria in chocolate?
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Sorry people, for wasting your time looking this up and wanting to know the answer. But, this is whadd I don't know. Jeez, Can anyone answer this question? With the REAL question?

Which organisms carry out lactic acid fermentation?

bacteria and animal anerobes and some other really awesome stuff like cookies and pudding and really delicious chocolate pudding i mean chocolate pudding hits the spot Chaos dude: bacteria and animal anerobes that is it!

Does sugar kill bacteria?

the concentration of sugar in the bacteria is low whereas that of the outside, where the sugar is, is high. to make the concentration balanced, water molecules have to leave the cells of the bacteria therefore causing the bacteria to shrink and eventually die. (sorry if the answer is too long) this process is called "hypertonic"

What is the name od the bacteria that kills fish?

The name of the bacteria is the parasite