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Q: What is the name of the bad guy in spore hero?
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Cat woman is a Bad guy and Stinks.

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What book chaacter said What if I'm not the hero what if I'm the bad guy?

Robert Pattinson in Twilight said "What if im not the hero what if im the bad guy"

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Is scorpian a bad guy on mortal kombat?

Depends on how you look at it, same with every character. But from a hero-loving standpoint, yes he is a bad guy

What is the difference between spore and spore limited edition?

In spore galactic you can make/play missions made by other people and you have to go down to a planet to do so. Also you get weapons and stuff for your guy. Nope, you're thinking of spore:Galactic hero. Galactic Edition was a limited edition version of the game only availiable with the first release; it contained bonus dvds, a book, etc.

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Edward:"what if I'm not the hero, what if I'm the bad guy."

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What if I'm not the hero? What if I'm...the bad guy? -Edward Cullen

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Dancing Girl

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no he was a bad president he invented the Indian removal act

Is the hero usually the antagonist?

No, the hero and the antagonist are typically two different characters in a story. The hero is the main character who is seen as the protagonist, while the antagonist is the character who opposes or creates conflict for the hero.

Is Artur a good name?

If you are a girl it is a bad name, but if you are a guy it is a GOOD name