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A comet

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Q: What is the name of the celestial form that is made of frozen gases and solid rock?
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What is water when it is frozen?

It is ice, in a solid form.

What is Earth's solid form of water?

Frozen water; ICE

How do you know when solid and a liquid form a liquid?

When the solid was frozen. e.g Water + ice = water.

Where would water exist in the solid state?

frozen in ice form

Is dry ice frozen nitrogen or a solid form of carbon dioxide?

'Dry Ice' is frozen Carbon Dioxide.

What gases change to a solid and back to a gas?

All gases can be solidified with appropiate temperatures. Then heated back to gaseous form.

Gases form of Liquid or solid substances?

Usually of liquids through the process of evaporation.

What is more dense liquid xenon or solid xenon?

All the noble gases have solid forms that are denser than their liquid forms, so no, the liquid form is not denser than the solid form of Xe.

What is dry ice the common state of?

dry ice is the solid form of frozen carbon dioxide.

Why does a can of pop expands when frozen?

This is an odd characteristic of water and water-based drinks, that the frozen form of it is less dense than the solid form of it. If frozen water sat in water, then it would float. if any other solid form of a liquid sat in its liquid form, it would sink. Water expands when it freezes, but most elements dont. The "water" inside these cans are already pressured, so when it expands when frozen, its too much for the can to handle and it bursts.

What happens when you heat an element?

If it's in solid form, it melts into a liquid and liquids evaporate into gases.

Does Pluto have liquids?

Pluto does have water in the form of frozen ice and methane gas and carbon monoxide. It's core is probabaly frozen ice and gas that is solid.