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The name of the person on the title of the game is called the director or the sack person

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Q: What is the name of the creature on the cover of littl big planet?
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What is the name of the rock monster that drilled into a planet on the original Star Trek?

The creature is a Horta - from the "The Devil in the Dark" episode .

What is the name of the voice creature from the diamond planet in doctor who?

It was never given a name, neither in the episode itself, or by the production team.

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A predator.

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a woodland creature is a creature that exists only in fairy tales

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What creature is Master Yoda from Star Wars?

A short, pointy-eared, green one. The name of Yoda's species is unknown.

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Heln came from her mother's side of the family. Helen's mother's name was Helen and her littl e sister, Mildred, her name came from her father's side of the family. Arthur Keller, he father, wanted to name her Mildred.

How do you make a creature alliteration?

First your creatures name. Then where your creature lives. Then what your creature eats. Then tell what they like. Then tell what your creature did to you. Tip:Make it a made up creature.

Is planet x out there?

Yes and no. "Planet X" is a designation given temporarily to any new planet with no name. It does not refer to a specific planet, and once a planet is given a name, 'Planet X' is discarded as a title. Several planets, including Pluto, have been referred to as "Planet X."Supporters of the Nibiru Cataclysm Theory sometimes claim that "Planet X" is NASA's method of keeping "Nibiru," a mythical, large planet-like object, secret, as part of a cover up. There is no scientific foundation for this "theory."

What is the name of the shapeshifter in the first episode of the original series?

It is known only as the M-113 Creature (from Planet M-113). Some have referred to it as the Salt Vampire, but it was never called that on the show.

A creature with 100 legs is a?

A creature can have any amount of legs, but this creature has one hundred legs. The name of this unusual and common creature is a centipede. The name 'centipede' is a strange name for such a tiny element of nature. If you can find a centipedethe you can try to catch it and study it and figure out why and how it got its name and other biography about the centipede.

What is the green creature in Merlin called?

The name of the green creature in Merlin is called a goblin.