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Q: What is the name of the economic theory that colonies exist solely to enrich the mother country?
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The economic theory that colonies exist solely to enrich the mother country is called?"

Did Mercantilists assume that the colonies only existed to enrich the mother country?


The idea that trade with colonies would enrich the mother country is known as?


Why were eurpoeans monarchs worried about their colonies in america?

Mercantilism was the basic policy imposed by Britain on its colonies. The colonies were captive markets for British industry, and the goal was to enrich the mother country.

The economic system where colonies supply goods to the mother country is called .?

The economic system is called mercantilism.

An economic system in which colonies supply goods to the mother country is called .?

The economic system is called mercantilism.

What is the economic system in which colonies only exist for the profit or benefit of the Mother Country?


What best describes the economic policy of mercantilism?

Colonies creating wealth for the mother country.

How did colonies make england rich?

Through the English economic system of mercantilism - colonies providing the mother country with wealth.

The economic system where the colonies are set up to make the mother country rich is called?


Under the economic system of mercantilism colonies were encouraged to?

provide raw materials for the mother country

What is the name of the economic policy involving the transfer of wealth from the colonies to England the mother country?

nothing at all