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DNA polymerase matches the bases on the parent strand.

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DNA Polymerase

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DNA Polymearse(:

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DNA polymerase

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Q: What is the name of the enzyme that match the DNA bases?
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What enzyme builds mRNA molecules bases on the code in DNA?

The enzyme is RNA polymerase.

Enzyme that adds nucleotides to exposed nitrogen bases?

The enzyme that adds nuclleotides to exposed nitrogen bases is DNA polymerase. This is how DNA can be replicated or repeated in the cell cycle.

What is the name of the enzyme that places the corresponding nitrogen bases on the new strand of DNA?

t know for sure idkgdkjnkgdfsgd

What enzyme connects the new bases to the old bases in the DNA template?

The central enzyme involved is DNA polymerase, which catalyzes the joining of deoxyribonucleoside 5′-triphosphates (dNTPs) to form the growing DNA chain.

What is the structure of the enzyme determined by a sequence of?

Nitrogen bases in DNA

Two new strands of DNA molecules grow as bases are added by the enzyme?

DNA polymerase.

In DNA copying what are the bonds between the nitrogen bases broken by?

They are broken by the enzyme DNA helicase.

What is the name of the enzyme that aids in the process of replication?

The enzyme DNA dependent DNA polymerase is essential for DNA replication

What kind of macromolecule is DNA polymerase?

DNA polymerase is an enzyme that helps catalyze the polymerization of DNA bases (deoxyribonucleotides) into a DNA strand.

Copy and complete the events chain concept map of DNA synthesis?

step1: enzyme separates DNA sides. step2: new bases pair with bases on original DNA. step3: two new identical DNA molecules are produced.

What is enzyme that adds nucleotides to exposed nitrogen bases?

DNA polymerase is the enzyme that adds complementary nucleotides to exposed nitrogen bases during DNA replication.

The enzyme that is responsible for replicating molecules of DNA by attaching complementary bases in the correct sequence is?

DNA polymerase