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Q: What is the name of the evil wolf like creatures that support the goblins?
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What is the name of the wolf like creatures that support the goblins?

Varren :)

What is goblins?

very evil ghost like magical weirdos who are evil to everything- especially fairies. Goblins are fairy's pretitors.

What kinds of creatures does Beorn seem to dislike?

He very much dislikes wargs and goblins. Beorn liked the travelers because they had killed the Great Goblin.

What purpose do goblins have in Halloween?

From Wikipedia: " A goblin is a legendary evil or mischievous illiterate creature, described as a grotesquely evil or evil-like phantom." Very fitting for Halloween.

What is an example of ilk?

For a sentence example: "Goblins and their ilk are mythical creatures that are known for making trouble for humans."What that really means, is that goblins, and other similar unsavoury creatures, are mythical creatures that are known for making trouble for humans.Ilk means similar, like, same type, etc., but usually has a connotation of unpleasantness or ill repute.

What do goblins like?

look goblins arnt real its like vampires so there for they aint real!

What is the name of the evil vulture-like creatures that are trying to kill the heroes in Dark Crystal?


What does a golem look like?

Goblins are fictional creatures, so they can look however you like. In JRR Tolkien stories, goblins were human in origin. Sauron bent and twisted humans into goblins, and elves he turned into orcs. Uruk-hai were the result of breeding orcs and goblin men. Elsewhere in literature, goblins belonged to the Fey, the world of fairy creatures. Sometimes goblins are diminutive: only as big as your thumb. Other times goblins are child sized: up to a meter in height. Their skin is sometimes brown, sometimes green. Commonly, they always seem to have long, pointed ears; clawlike hands; sharp teeth; and catlike eyes for seeing in twilight. They never seem to have wings or a tail. They are crafty, though not highly intelligent. Their characters range from hilariously prankish to deadly malevolence. JCS

What is the name of the evil wolf like creatures in The Hobbit?

Wargs. They are slightly larger and can speak.

How do you kill a goblin?

Goblins are fictional creatures, so you cannot kill them in real life. However, in fantasy games or stories, goblins are often defeated in combat using weapons like swords, arrows, or magic spells.

Why are all the goblins reluctant to pursue Bilbo Baggins once he is outside?

Orcs (the goblins) do not like sunlight. They wait for nighttime.

How can you make a dragon in lord of the rings battle around Middle-earth 2?

No but you can summon one if you a evil army. If you are the goblins you can create a dragon hero and make a fire drake which is somewhat like a dragon from your castle