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Q: What is the name of the gas which fungus produce?
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What type of fungus is produced by mushrooms?

A mushroom is it's own fungus for that it does not produce fungus it is fungus.

Can fungus produce bio diesel?

I am afraid it cannot produce biodisel

How are plants and animals alike but different from a fungus?

Animals and plants are very different than fungus. Animals cannot produce their own food. Plants can produce their own food.

What happens to fungus later?

Depending upon what kind of fungus you are talking about, it may form a fruiting body and produce spores.

What does a plant do to protect its self from infected fungus?

Plants produce chemicals that kill areas of plant tissue infected by a fungus

Does a fungus produce only a few spores?

No, when a fungus enters its spore producing phase it usually produces many millions of spores.

What is a modern name for range with a fire?

A Gas stove uses flaming natural gas or liquid propane in its range burners to produce heat. Most manufacturers who produce electric ovens and stoves also produce models with gas range burners.

Why would a fungus want to produce a lot of spores?

Not all of them will survive

Does a sac fungus produce spores inside a small sac?


Can a gas produce a gas?

Yes, decaying food can produce gas.

What was the name of fungus?

There are many type of fungus i.e. the field mushroom is a fungus which is safe to eat - not all mushrooms are


a fungus