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I think that perhaps you mean the polypeptides, which is a polymer of many amino acids. The protein is broken down into polypeptides, which are in turn broken down into amino acids - the building blocks of pretty much all of the human body.

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The name of the individual molecules that proteins must be broken down into before they can be digested is amino acids. Amino acids are found in salmon, tuna, Brazil nuts, walnuts and eggs.

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Q: What is the name of the individual molecules that protein must be broken down into before they can be digested?
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Where must protein foods be digested before they can be absorbed?

In the Digestive system

Why foods need to be digested before cells can use it for energy?

it makes the molecules smaller and simpler

Why can protein and starch not be absorbed directly into the body?

Because starch is a polymer of sugar molecules (lots of them all bound together as a store of sugar) and the cells in the body can only metabolize individual sugar molecules. Therefore the starch needs to be broken up into its individual sugars before it is any use to the cells.

Where food is store before it is digested?

Food is stored before it is digested in your stomach.

What classes of food doesn't have to be digested before it can be absorbed by the small intestine?

Vitamins are not be digested before absorption. The same is true for the minerals. They need not be digested before absorption.

Is digesting food an example of change of state?

Yes it is a change of state when the food is being digested. Solid food particles are changed into semisolid type of liquid in the stomach where it is further digested. Food molecules have to be changed into simple units before it can be absorbed into our cells.

Digesting food is an example of change of state?

Yes it is a change of state when the food is being digested. Solid food particles are changed into semisolid type of liquid in the stomach where it is further digested. Food molecules have to be changed into simple units before it can be absorbed into our cells.

Which part of food is not digested?

CelluloseAnswer:To be a nutrient a food material has to be digested and incorporated into the body as stored fat, converted to muscle or other protein, or converted to energy. So no nutrient as "not digested"/ Non-nutrient materials which provide other functions are fiber and water, and minerals asn trace chemicals such as salt, iron, zinc. Vitsmins can be regarded as supplimental to the body's own production. fibre can not be digested

Which molecules contain instructions for building proteins-?

Well, if we were to go down right to the root molecules, it would be DNA. DNA codes for an mRNA strand during transcription before coding for individual amino acids during translation. Those amino acids then combine during translation through the formation of peptide bonds, before being released. Those polypeptide chains are then able to form the secondary, tertiary and even quaternary bonds that give it its conformational shape, thereby forming a functional protein.

What must happen to fat before it can be chemically digested?

Fats must be emulsified (broken down into small droplets) by bile in the duodenum before they can be digested.

What is digested in the Rectum?

Nothing is digested in the rectum, the rectum is the final storage place for feces before they are excreted.

What must proteins be broken down into before being absorbed?

Yes they do. the protein has to be digested in the stomach before absorbed there.