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Miracles happen - by Myra

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Q: What is the name of the last song of the Princess Diaries 1?
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What is the song in Princess Diaries 2 that the weird dude is singing in a different language?

If this is the song sung by the Chinese guy, the name of the original song is miracles happen by myra!

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No. It's in the Princess Diaries 2 though.

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What pop song is played during the ball in the movie The Princess Diaries?

The song is "Miracles Happen," and is performed by Myra.

What is the first song played during ball in Princess Diaries?

kilie minoge; hubba bubba

What film is the song breakaway from?

Balance - Breaking Away

What movie did Avril make a theme song?

Eragon. Her song is called Keep Holding On.

When do they play the song blue side by Rooney in the movie the Princess Diaries?

when Mia's going to check out her Mustang, and the band that plays the song is Blueside (end of it anyway)

What is the song that the chorus sings in Princess Diaries 2 as Mia walks down the aisle?

I don't know, but I think I saw the movies Princess Diaries (1st and 2nd) and heard the song but I don't really know what the song in there is. Ask again but in a different way but still let them know what you talking about. Actually, it's called i love life but idk who its by