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Q: What is the name of the law passed in Virginia in the early years of the nation that guaranteed freedom of religious belief within the state?
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The common religious belief was Anglican, but they believed in freedom of religion (belief.)

What is the religious belief of Virginia?

The United States and the states that make it up do not have a religion. The Constitution forbids there to be a state religion.

Which colony was the first to allow freedom of religion?

England wanted control over it's people. They would not allow Protestants to have their own belief. They only allowed Catholic belief. When people decided to leave and go to America, this was where they practiced their religious freedom.

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The current United States law against polygamy trumps religious freedom. It states that religious belief or practice cannot be used as a defense in polygamy cases.

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The only freedoms protected are, 1. Trial by Jury 2. Religious belief 3. Political Speech

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It is religion or religious belief. It is not a race.

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All of the framers of the constitution believed in those principles.

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Christianity does not have belief In Religious tolerance. This is significantly different from the belief of Hinduism.

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The first amendment of the United States Constitution protects the right to freedom of religion and freedom of expression from government interference. See U.S. Const. amend. I. Freedom of expression consists of the rights to freedom of speech, press, assembly and to petition the government for a redress of grievances, and the implied rights of association and belief. >Religious freedom >Free speech >Right to assembly >Right to a petition >Right to the press

Can the government limit your right to freedom of belief?

Nope, the US Constitution clearly states the freedom of belief.

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what were the religious beliefs