

What is the name of the major myth involving Persephone?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Probably the Eleusinian Mysteries to honor Persephone and her mother, Demeter.

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Q: What is the name of the major myth involving Persephone?
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What is the name of the greek myth with Persephone?

Greek mythology does not have a title for every myth; often, as in this case, myths are known for the figures who feature within them.

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No, Persephone does not have a last name.

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Persephone was her Greek name. Proserpine is the Roman one.

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Persephone's Roman name is Proserpina.

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perr- seff- phone-ee persephone

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The meaning of the name Persephone is perhaps "destructive-slayer".

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Her name was Proserpina.

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The Roman name of Hades was Pluto, which in Greek Myth refers to wealth, thus the Romans worshiped Pluto as a god of wealth below (gold) and above (the arrival of spring, Persephone/ Proserpina).

What stories was Persephone in?

To name a few; In one obscure myth Persephone was accredited with creation of mankind from clay (in place of the usual Prometheus). A divine dispute ensued over which god should possess him, with the result that he was awarded to Zeus and Gaia in life, and to Persephone in death. Zeus seduced Persephone, had Zagreus and Melinoe were born of their union, though sometimes they are said to be Hades children. Aphrodite and Persephone also loved Adonis. Orpheus played music for her so that she would let Eurydice follow him back to earth.

What stories was Persephone involved in?

To name a few; In one obscure myth Persephone was accredited with creation of mankind from clay (in place of the usual Prometheus). A divine dispute ensued over which god should possess him, with the result that he was awarded to Zeus and Gaia in life, and to Persephone in death. Zeus seduced Persephone, had Zagreus and Melinoe were born of their union, though sometimes they are said to be Hades children. Aphrodite and Persephone also loved Adonis. Orpheus played music for her so that she would let Eurydice follow him back to earth.