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Though sometimes, some people refer to the brain as a muscle, it really is not a muscle. It is made of completely different types of tissues than a muscle. There are four kinds of tissues in the body; connective tissue, epithelial tissue, muscle tissue, and nervous tissue. The brain is made entirely of nervous tissue and contains no muscle tissue what-so-ever.

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Q: What is the name of the muscle in the brain?
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The brain

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Your brain is meat so it is a muscle.

What organs are used in muscle system?

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Brain is made of nervous tissue, not muscle.

Is a involuntary muscle?

Heart, brain, stomach, digestion these are some of the organs but they all have muscle around it but the brain has some muscle.

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The Brain in not a muscle. It belongs to the neurological system of the body.

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Your brain.

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When you want to move a muscle, your brain sends a message out to the muscle you want to move, and the muscle sends a message back to your brain that your moving it and where.

What controls our muscles and the organs in our body?

skeletal muscle

What role does the muscle tissue play in brain?

Your brain is fat.

What do muscle nerves do?

muscle nerves carry messages from the brain to tell the muscle to contract.