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It's not one, it's dozens ; the diaphragm, the intercostals, the spinal erectors, etc.

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Q: What is the name of the muscle that is responsible for bringing air in and out of the lungs?
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What organs are used in muscle system?

Heart and Lungs and the Brain to name a few

What is the name of the large muscle that contracts and causes the lungs volume to increase?

the diaphram

What is the scientific name for the muscle that moves the eyelids?

The muscle that moves the eyelids is called the orbicularis oculi muscle. It is responsible for closing the eyelids.

What does the cricothyroid muscle's name indicate about its location?

Carries de-oxygenated blood from the right ventricle to the lungs

Muscle responsible for most of a movement is called?

The muscle that is responsible for most of a movement is called a prime mover. It may also be called an agonist.

What is the cartilage that attaches the ribs called?

the name of the muscle that is attached to your ribs is called a Diaphragm,it helps your lungs to breathe.

the scientific name for a bum?

The scientific name for a bum is the gluteus maximus muscle. It is the largest muscle in the human body and is responsible for movement of the hip and thigh.

What is the name of the rib muscles that contribute to breathing?

Ribs are bones, but lungs contribute to breathing and they are a muscle organNo, your Lungs ARE NOT A MUSCLE. Your diaphragm is the main muscle in inhalation, which opens your lungs (works by creating a negative pressure in your lungs i.e. the pressure outside your chest cavity is more than the pressure in your lungs, causing air to enter your lungs).However, during forced inhalation and exhalation your intercostal muscles and rectus abdominus muslces play a part in exhalation (forcing air out). scalenes lift up your rib cage to allow maximum inhalation.

Name the insertion of the primary muscle used?

The deltoid muscle is muscle used to move your arm. The deltoid's insertion is at the deltoid tuberosity of humerus. The deltoid is responsible for flexion and medial rotation of the humerus.

What is the scientific name of the biceps?

The scientific name for the biceps muscle is "biceps brachii." It is a two-headed muscle located in the upper arm that is responsible for flexing the elbow and rotating the forearm.