

Best Answer

I finally found it.. called "Aicha".

Thanks anyway..

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Q: What is the name of the music video in which a dorky kid sings to his crush and it goes viral after being posted on ebaumsworld several years ago?
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Does ray ray from mindless behavior have a crush on zendaya?

It is said that Ray Ray DOES have a crush on Shake It Up's Zendaya Coleman. There was a recent video posted on Youtube where Ray Ray says he has a crush on zendaya. Personally, I don't blame him if he does because she is very pretty and is an amazing role model for girls all over the world

What if you have a hard time speaking to your crush?

Try not to think about him being your crush until you feel comfortable about being around him then you can slowly get closer if hes comfortable don't push or he'll get uncomfortable.

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if there is a chance of your friend being with their crush back off if there is not or only a small chance or their crush likes you then tell your friend i told my best friend she was fine with it i mean its only a crush its not like they are actually dating