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it only goes to seventh

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Q: What is the name of the note for the tenth position for a trombone?
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How do you do a negative position on a trombone?

You don't........if you need to make the pitch higher, you buzz a higher note.

What is the note name for g sharp on trombone?

You answered your own question.

Where is the a note on the trombone?

2nd position. Don't ever assume that all Trombones are in Bb, & there are lots of A's that can be played in other positions besides 2nd even on a Bb Trombone.

What should a trombone player do to get the lowest note?

Let your lips flap a lot, and go to seventh flat position.

What is the slide position for a low b natural on trombone?

A low B(natural) on a Trombone is in the 7th position (a little bit past 6th position) The high one can either be played in that position or 4th position. For a Trombone position chart click on the related link below.

What changes on a regular b flat trombone to a trombone with f attachmenT?

nothing changes, but you have the ability to pull the trigger on that particular type of trombone and by pulling the trigger, a 6th position C can turn into a 2nd position C. It will be the same note, only you are using the F attachment. You don't have to use the attachment, but it does make it easier to play 6th position notes, and im pretty sure it can help you reach lower notes.

What is the highest note that the trombone plays?

The highest note on a trombone is the quadruple BbNew q:How do you make a quadruple Bb?

Is there a such thing as eighth position on the trombone?

Ahh, the elusive '8th Position'. 8th position DOES exist, it's just incredibly impractical most of the time. To get to 8th you basically balance the outer slide on the very edge of the inner slide and lip it down the rest of the way. really, unless it's a first note or after a bunch of rests then there is little point as a trigger trombone will substitute.

What is a false tone for a trombone?

A false tone is a note that isn't fit into the range of a trombone ( those slots for every note called 'partial'), but some people playing trombone can hit with their lips at just the right tension- very little-. Hope this helped.

What are all the on first position on the trombone?

B flat, F, B flat are the basic three... B flat (the second one) would be your tunning note on a Bb concert scale.

What is the first note you learn to play on the trombone?

A B flat or and F.

In what position do you play E sharp for trombone?

Eb is in 3rd position and E(natural) is in 2nd position, and the next note up from an E(natural), instead of being an E#, is an F(natural), and that is in the first position. An E# is an F(natural Also, Cb is B(natural) Click the related link below for a slide position chart.