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CFC's are the pollutants. They react with ozone to deplete it.

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Q: What is the name of the pollutants produced by humans destroying the ozone layer?
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Related questions

How are humans desroying the ozone layer list?

humans are destroying the ozone layer by ,cfc , spray on deodorant ,air freshener,and hair spray

What man made pollutant destorys the ozone layer?

Man made pollutants are many. But the one destroying ozone is CFC.

What is holes in ozone layer?

The hole in the ozone layer is actually the thinning of ozone layer below a certain concentration. It is caused due to the excessive use of ozone destroying substances by humans.

What is damaging the ozone layer and how can humans prevent this?

Ozone depleting substances or ODS are the ones that are destroying the ozone layer. in order to prevent this depletion, what humans can do is to minimize their use so as to allow ozone to replenish itself.

How does the ozone layer and pollutants connect to UV?

The ozone layer connects to UV to decomposing. Air pollutants decompose with UV too.

How can what is destroying the ozone layer harm your health?

CFC's are destroying the ozone layer. They can also harm our health.

Which pollutants effect the ozone layer?


How is the ozone layer affected by pollution why is this bad?

Ozone layer is depleted by the pollutants. CFC's are such man made pollutants which destroy the ozone.

How can you protect the ozone layer from pollutants?

By reducing the amount of pollutants and using alternative clean fuel.

What was destroying our ozone layer?

CFC's are destroying our ozone layer. These CFC's are one of the most harmful chemicals of the environment.

What are slowly destroying the Earth's protective ozone layer?

CFC's are destroying the ozone layer. They react with ozone and deplete it.

Why would it be disadvantageous for humans to excrete nitrogenous waste in the form of ammonia?

Would be disadvantageous because ammonia destroys the ozone layer. If we were to excete mass ammounts of a harmfull substance we would therefore be destroying life on earth by destroying our protective ozone layer. Hope this helps :)