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pleural and pericardial

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Q: What is the name of the procedure that removes fluid surrounding the lung and heart?
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Related questions

How safe is the procedure used to drain fluid from the sac surrounding the heart?

Some risk of death exists with surgical drainage of the accumulated fluid.

What is the medical procedure pericardiocentesis?

Pericardiocentesis is the removal by needle of pericardial fluid from the sac surrounding the heart for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes.

What is the heart of the sheep covered with?

A sheeps heart is encased within a pericardial sac with fluid surrounding it.

What is the Heart Sack?

The sac surrounding the heart is called the pericardium. The pericardium has two layers with fluid between them, and it serves to protect and anchor the heart.

Where in a heart cell is potassium normally found?

Potassium is found in the cardiac cells as well as the extracellular fluid surrounding the heart.

What type of fluid is pericardial fluid?

it is called pericadial fluid and it is composed of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), lymphocytes, and some protein.

What layer of the heart would be penetrated during emergency medical procedure in order to remove fluid?


What eventually happens to fluid that leaks from capillaries onto the surrounding tissue?

the lmyphic system absourds it and give it back to the heart.

What is the medical term meaning puncture of the heart?


What is a procedure in which fluid is withdrawn from the space around the heart through a needle and a catheter is left in to allow for continued drainage?


Is a procedure in which fluid is withdrawn from the space around the heart through a needle and a catheter is left in to allow for continued drainage?


What is a pericardiocentesis?

A procedure performed with a needle to remove fluid for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes from the tissue covering the heart (pericardial sac).