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The rocket launcher that shoots straight up in the air and comes down vertically on a enemy or target is called a Javelin.

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Q: What is the name of the rocket launcher that shoots straight up in the air and comes down vertically on a target?
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On Commando 2 on Miniclip how do you kill the crab monster on mission 4?

if you mean level 7 crab boss it took me a year to beat it. could go to google and type in arcadeprehacks commando 2. go and check it out! Then click the first one and go to level 7. on the boss, don't try to kill it. instead practice some dodging skills. 2. go to youtube and type in Commando 2 Miniclip level 7 boss. then see all 3 video's. the weapons you should use are: on the plane use the rocket launcher that follows the enemy (the one on f before the last one), then the mastio (blue rocket launcher). if done right you beat the plane. beat the people with the moon shadow (orange rocket launcher). then refill your mastio (blue rocket launcher) and your the rocket launcher that follows the enemy. then at the boss first use the rocket launcher that follows the enemy. then the moonshadow until the boss shoots fire balls. then use the mastio (blue rocket launcher). Mission complete. BUT if your on mission 3 beat the plane with mastio (blue rocket launcher) and the boss with mastio (blue rocket launcher) and neyberg (brown rocket launcher) and mission 4 boss is a rocket boss not a crab boss. Have fun! And good luck on your missions (I'm stuck on mission 8 so if you have any tips, tell me at where I told you, wiki answers.

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What errors can happen in a model rocket?

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