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Q: What is the name of the rover that landed in September?
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What is the name of the rover that landed on the planet Mars?


What was the name of the first vehicle landed on mars?

Sojourner Rover

What is the name of the rover in mars in 2012?

Curiosity is the name given to the latest Mars rover, which landed on the red planet on August 6, 2012.

Where is Mars rover landed?

On Mars...

When was the Mars rover put on Mars?

Sojourner landed in July 1997 and communications were lost in September of that year. Spirit landed in January 2004, and is still functioning but it is stuck in sand. But data is still collected from it. Opportunity also landed in January 2004 and it still functional.

What space probes have landed on Mars?

the mars rover

What were the robots names that landed on mars?

Spirit Rover

What is the name of the space robot that landed on mars last week?

Curiousity Rover You can know more about it at Wikepedia, the free encyclopedia

What is the Mars Rover named?

There are 4 rovers that have have successfully landed on Mars:Sojourner, which landed in 1997Spirit, which landed in 2004Opportunity, which landed in 2004 three weeks after Spirit and is still operationalCuriosity, which landed in 2012 and is still operational

What spacecraft landed on mars in 1997 it had a robot wagon called sojourner rover?

Mars Exploration Rover

What was the first rover to land on planet mars?

The first rover landed on Mars on July 4, 1997.

When has a spacecraft ever landed on mars?

The Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity landed on Mars during 2004