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Q: What is the name of the short pathway of neurones that impulses in an automatic response?
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What is the name of the short pathway of neurones in an automatic response follow?


What is the name of the short pathway that carries the impulse for an automatic response?

The short pathway that carries the impulse for an automatic response is called a reflex arc.

How do you draw a diagram showing the pathway of nerve impulses?


What is the pathway a stimulus followed to produce a response?

the neuron pathway

Providing a pathway for the transmission of nerve impulses is the responsibility of the?

peripheral nerve system

What motor pathway is primarily concerned with automatic control of body parts for coordination?

Extrapyramidal pathway

What type of nuerons conduct nerve impulses along an efferent pathway?

Motor neurons

What tract conveys nerve impulses for crude touch and pressure?

spinothalamic, it is a somatosensory pathway

How an impulse can continue to travel along a nerve pathway when there's a gap between two neurons?

Nerve pathways are slim, however neurones are small in size therefore the total amount of atoms in the impulse is enough to fit through a gap in the pathway of neurons

What is the stimulus-response pathway involving a sensory neuron and a motor neuron?

Please see:What_happens_at_the_level_of_the_neuron_starting_with_stimulus_and_ending_with_a_response

What is Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome?

An abnormal, rapid heart rhythm, due to an extra pathway for the electrical impulses to travel from the atria to the ventricles.

Why is it helpful to have impulses to move only in one direction in a neuron?

Your neurons are adapted in such a way that impulses move only in one direction.