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Ka Lae (Hawaiian: the point), also known as South Point, is the southernmost point of the Big Island of Hawaii and of the 50 United States. The Ka Lae area is registered as a National Historic Landmark District under the name South Point Complex.

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Q: What is the name of the southern most of the major Hawaiian islands-?
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Which is the most populous of the Hawaiian Islands?

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I'm thinkin Oahu.

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The Hawaiian islands are made up of many volcanoes, most of which are extinct. However, one volcano, Kilauea on the big island, is one of the most active volcanoes in the world.

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Oahu is the most populated of the Hawaiian Islands.

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The city Honolulu is located on the island Oahu which is one of the Hawaiian islands Honolulu is the state capital and the most populous city of the U.S. state of Hawaii.

What was James cooks most famous discovery?

Probably the major discovery of the explorer and sea captain James Cook was the islands of the Hawaiian chain. He was later killed in a battle with natives.

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Well the islands can't sink it's impossible so it would most likely be volcanoes

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